
Looking after our Scaffolders

The Work Should Not Hurt programme aims to make sure tradespeople can enjoy long, pain free careers and retire when they want to and not when forced to due to pain and injury.


Sqm scaffolding not erected


Sqm scaffolding not moved


Days off on average per strain or sprain


We have worked onsite alongside scaffolders to identify practical solutions to help you reduce the chance of pain and injury. Scroll down to view a wide range of resources to help you work smarter, not harder.

Explore the Work Should Not Hurt programme and discover how you can get involved in changing the way we work.

The Work Should Not Hurt programme aims to make sure tradespeople can enjoy long, pain free careers and retire when they want to and not when forced to due to pain and injury. We publish a wide range of resources covering many work health and safety topics on working in the construction industry.

Browse "Scaffolding" resources to get you site-ready

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The impact of sprains & strains on our productivity